What is the Marketplace?
The Marketplace is a free online resource that has been co-designed by public, private and social sector organisations to support networking, collaboration and sharing of resources to increase opportunities and benefits for the residents, communities and organisations based in Surrey.
How does the Marketplace work?
The Marketplace matches local needs with resource and collaboration opportunities. Once registered, organisations based in the county can request resources, and businesses that want to help can offer support. When support has been delivered and benefits have been received, feedback is provided by both parties.
- The Requests page gives our local communities a voice so they can communicate what specific resources are required as well as when and where they are needed. Organisations can search the Request page to find requests they are able to support.
- The Offers page gives our suppliers, philanthropists and local businesses the opportunity to communicate how they can help our communities.
To register, click 'Sign up' on the top right-hand side of the screen. Complete the information required and submit your request to join the Marketplace.
You must read both the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions before signing up.
The Marketplace is intended to secure benefits for residents and communities in the county of Surrey only. You can claim an offer of help or post a request for help if you can evidence that a resident or community in Surrey will receive the benefits secured from the Marketplace.
Please note: You will be in breach of our terms and conditions if you claim an offer of help and/or post a request for help if you do not meet this criteria. If you have any further questions in relation to this please get in touch.
Yes. Any organisation can post an offer of help or respond to a request for help even if they are not based in the county of Surrey.
The public sector in Surrey have a large number of suppliers that are based outside the county and these suppliers are welcome to use the Marketplace to identify social value commitments to include in tender submissions when bidding for contracts.
You need to register on the Marketplace in order to offer help, make a request or claim an offer. Once registered, you will be able to add a post on the offers or requests page and respond to the offers or requests that have been posted.
You will need to register before you can claim an offer.
If you want to claim an offer you must operate in the County of Surrey and be able to evidence that a resident or community in Surrey will receive the benefit. If you meet the criteria outlined in our Terms of Use, you can use the Marketplace to send a message to the organisation that posted the offer to let them know that you are interested. The organisation that is making the offer will decide if they want to work with you and how much of their help they are willing to give to you.
Please note you will be in breach of our Terms and Conditions of Use if you claim an offer that does not benefit residents and communities in Surrey.
Yes. Organisations that join the Marketplace can refuse and/or accept requests or offers. The decisions regarding which organisations receive help is made only by the organisation that is offering the help. Similarly, organisations do not have to accept the help that is offered.
Yes. The Marketplace is managed by Surrey County Council. The administrator of the site:
a) Approves all requests to join the Marketplace
b) Approves all requests for and offers of help
c) Reviews all feedback submitted
If you require any support please get in touch. Please allow a minimum of 3 working days for a response (this may take longer during holiday periods).
When a request or offer is posted, it is listed on the Marketplace for 3 months before it expires. "Days to go" shows how many days are left before it needs to be updated, or re-posted. All posts stay live for 3 months and are then archived in the account of the organisation that posted the request or offer.
You can set the frequency of the alerts you receive from this website in your account profile. In addition there is a filter on this website to deter you from receiving unsolicited emails or spam, however there is no guarantee.
Please review our Privacy Notice for more information.
You can reset your password using the "forgot my password" link on the Log In screen.
Will I receive a reminder that my post is due to expire?
Yes, you will be reminded every three months. However if you partially deliver your offer or your request is partially fulfilled you must update the fulfillment level of your post. It is your responsibility to ensure the information posted is correct and up to date at all times.
I am not sure what to post?
Think about your need, what do you need help with or what can you offer - the Marketplace is a great place to connect businesses and organisations to work together to fulfil the needs of the community.
What makes a good post?
Clearly state what your need is and why you need it. They say a picture tells a thousand words - include one in your post to really make it stand out.
Contact Us
If you are unable to find the help you need online, please get in touch using the contact form. Please allow up to 3 working days for a response (this may take longer during holiday periods).